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- /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: NPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * Netscape Communications Corporation.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
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- * Contributor(s):
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- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
- /* The nsInterfaceInfoToIDL implementation.*/
- /***************************************************************************/
- // nsInterfaceInfoToIDL part...
- const IInfo = new Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/scriptableInterfaceInfo;1",
- "nsIScriptableInterfaceInfo",
- "init");
- const nsIDataType = Components.interfaces.nsIDataType;
- const nsISupports = Components.interfaces.nsISupports;
- const PARAM_NAME_PREFIX = "arg";
- const MISSING_INTERFACE = "@"; // flag to indicate missing interfaceinfo
- // helpers...
- /********************************************************/
- // accumulate a string with a stream-ish abstraction
- function Buffer() {
- this.buffer = "";
- }
- Buffer.prototype = {
- write : function(s) {
- if(s)
- this.buffer += s;
- },
- writeln : function(s) {
- if(s)
- this.buffer += s + "\n";
- else
- this.buffer += "\n";
- }
- }
- /********************************************************/
- /**
- * takes: {xxx}
- * returns: uuid(xxx)
- */
- function formatID(str)
- {
- return "uuid("+str.substring(1,str.length-1)+")";
- }
- function formatConstType(type)
- {
- switch(type)
- {
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_INT16:
- return "PRInt16";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_INT32:
- return "PRInt32";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_UINT16:
- return "PRUint16";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_UINT32:
- return "PRUint32";
- default:
- return "!!!! bad const type !!!";
- }
- }
- function formatTypeName(info, methodIndex, param, dimension)
- {
- var type = info.getTypeForParam(methodIndex, param, dimension);
- switch(type.dataType)
- {
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_INT8 :
- return "PRInt8";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_INT16:
- return "PRInt16";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_INT32:
- return "PRInt32";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_INT64:
- return "PRInt64";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_UINT8:
- return "PRUint8";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_UINT16:
- return "PRUint16";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_UINT32:
- return "PRUint32";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_UINT64:
- return "PRUint64";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_FLOAT:
- return "float";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_DOUBLE:
- return "double";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_BOOL:
- return "PRBool";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_CHAR:
- return "char";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_WCHAR:
- return "PRUnichar";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_VOID:
- if(type.isPointer)
- return "voidPtr";
- return "void";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_ID:
- // order matters here...
- if(type.isReference)
- return "nsIDRef";
- if(type.isPointer)
- return "nsIDPtr";
- return "nsID";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_DOMSTRING:
- return "DOMString";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_CHAR_STR:
- return "string";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_WCHAR_STR:
- return "wstring";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_INTERFACE:
- try {
- return info.getInfoForParam(methodIndex, param).name;
- } catch(e) {
- return "/*!!! missing interface info, guessing!!!*/ nsISupports";
- }
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_INTERFACE_IS:
- return "nsQIResult";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_ARRAY:
- return formatTypeName(info, methodIndex, param, dimension+1);
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_STRING_SIZE_IS:
- return "string";
- return "wstring";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_UTF8STRING:
- return "AUTF8String";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_CSTRING:
- return "ACString";
- case nsIDataType.VTYPE_ASTRING:
- return "AString";
- default:
- return "!!!! bad data type !!!";
- }
- }
- function formatBracketForParam(info, methodIndex, param)
- {
- var type = param.type;
- var str = "[";
- var found = 0;
- var size_is_ArgNum;
- var length_is_ArgNum;
- if(param.isRetval)
- {
- if(found++)
- str += ", ";
- str += "retval"
- }
- if(param.isShared)
- {
- if(found++)
- str += ", ";
- str += "shared"
- }
- if(type.isArray)
- {
- if(found++)
- str += ", ";
- str += "array"
- }
- if(type.dataType == nsIDataType.VTYPE_INTERFACE_IS)
- {
- if(found++)
- str += ", ";
- str += "iid_is("+
- info.getInterfaceIsArgNumberForParam(methodIndex, param) + ")";
- }
- if(type.isArray ||
- type.dataType == nsIDataType.VTYPE_STRING_SIZE_IS ||
- type.dataType == nsIDataType.VTYPE_WSTRING_SIZE_IS)
- {
- if(found++)
- str += ", ";
- size_is_ArgNum =
- info.getSizeIsArgNumberForParam(methodIndex, param, 0);
- str += "size_is("+ PARAM_NAME_PREFIX + size_is_ArgNum + ")";
- length_is_ArgNum =
- info.getLengthIsArgNumberForParam(methodIndex, param, 0);
- if(length_is_ArgNum != size_is_ArgNum)
- {
- str += ", ";
- str += "length_is("+ PARAM_NAME_PREFIX + length_is_ArgNum + ")";
- }
- }
- if(!found)
- return "";
- str += "] ";
- return str
- }
- function doInterface(out, iid)
- {
- var i, k, t, m, m2, c, p, readonly, bracketed, paramCount, retvalTypeName;
- var info = new IInfo(iid);
- var parent = info.parent;
- var constBaseIndex = parent ? parent.constantCount : 0;
- var constTotalCount = info.constantCount;
- var constLocalCount = constTotalCount - constBaseIndex;
- var methodBaseIndex = parent ? parent.methodCount : 0;
- var methodTotalCount = info.methodCount;
- var methodLocalCount = methodTotalCount - methodBaseIndex;
- // maybe recurring to emit parent declarations is not a good idea...
- // if(parent)
- // doInterface(parent.interfaceID);
- out.writeln();
- // comment out nsISupports
- // if(iid.equals(nsISupports))
- // out.writeln("/*\n");
- out.writeln("[" + (info.isScriptable ? "scriptable, " : "") +
- formatID(info.interfaceID.number) + "]");
- out.writeln("interface "+ info.name +
- (parent ? (" : "+parent.name) : "") + " {");
- if(constLocalCount)
- {
- for(i = constBaseIndex; i < constTotalCount; i++)
- {
- c = info.getConstant(i);
- out.writeln(" const " + formatConstType(c.type.dataType) + " " +
- c.name + " = " + c.value + ";");
- }
- }
- if(constLocalCount && methodLocalCount)
- out.writeln();
- if(methodLocalCount)
- {
- for(i = methodBaseIndex; i < methodTotalCount; i++)
- {
- m = info.getMethodInfo(i);
- if(m.isNotXPCOM)
- bracketed = "[notxpcom] "
- else if(m.isHidden)
- bracketed = "[noscript] "
- else
- bracketed = "";
- if(m.isGetter)
- {
- // Is an attribute
- // figure out if this is readonly
- m2 = i+1 < methodTotalCount ? info.getMethodInfo(i+1) : null;
- readonly = !m2 || m2.name != m.name;
- out.writeln(" " + bracketed + (readonly ? "readonly " : "") +
- "attribute " +
- formatTypeName(info, i, m.getParam(0), 0) +
- " " + m.name + ";\n");
- if(!readonly)
- i++; // skip the next one, we have it covered.
- continue;
- }
- // else...
- paramCount = m.paramCount;
- // 'last' param is used to figure out retvalTypeName
- p = paramCount ? m.getParam(paramCount-1) : null;
- if(m.isNotXPCOM)
- retvalTypeName = formatTypeName(info, i, m.result, 0);
- else if(p && "[retval] " == formatBracketForParam(info, i, p))
- {
- // Check for the exact string above because anything else
- // indicates that there either is no expilict retval
- // or there are additional braketed attributes (meaning that
- // the retval must appear in the param list and not
- // preceeding the method name).
- retvalTypeName = formatTypeName(info, i, p, 0);
- // no need to print it in the param list
- paramCount-- ;
- }
- else
- retvalTypeName = "void";
- // print method name
- out.writeln(" " + bracketed + retvalTypeName + " " + m.name +
- "(" + (paramCount ? "" : ");"));
- // print params
- for(k = 0; k < paramCount; k++)
- {
- p = m.getParam(k);
- out.writeln(" "+
- formatBracketForParam(info, i, p) +
- (p.isOut ? p.isIn ? "inout " : "out " : "in ") +
- formatTypeName(info, i, p, 0) + " " +
- (k+1 == paramCount ? ");\n" : ", "));
- }
- }
- }
- out.writeln("};\n");
- // comment out nsISupports
- // if(iid.equals(nsISupports))
- // out.writeln("\n*/\n");
- }
- function appendForwardDeclarations(list, info)
- {
- list.push(info.name);
- if(info.parent)
- appendForwardDeclarations(list, info.parent);
- var i, k, m, p;
- for(i = 0; i < info.methodCount; i++)
- {
- m = info.getMethodInfo(i);
- for(k = 0; k < m.paramCount; k++)
- {
- p = m.getParam(k);
- if(p.type.dataType == nsIDataType.VTYPE_INTERFACE)
- {
- var name;
- try {
- name = info.getInfoForParam(i, p).name;
- } catch(e) {
- }
- list.push(name);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function doForwardDeclarations(out, iid)
- {
- var i, cur, prev;
- var list = [];
- appendForwardDeclarations(list, new IInfo(iid));
- list.sort();
- out.writeln("// forward declarations...");
- for(i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
- {
- cur = list[i];
- if(cur != prev && cur != "nsISupports")
- {
- out.writeln("/*\n * !!! Unable to find details for a declared "+
- "interface (name unknown)!!!\n */");
- else
- out.writeln("interface " + cur +";");
- prev = cur;
- }
- }
- }
- function buildForwardDeclarationsList(iid)
- {
- var i, cur, prev;
- var list = [];
- var outList = [];
- appendForwardDeclarations(list, new IInfo(iid));
- list.sort();
- for(i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
- {
- cur = list[i];
- if(cur != prev && cur != "nsISupports")
- {
- outList.push(cur);
- prev = cur;
- }
- }
- return outList;
- }
- /*********************************************************/
- /* Our Componenent ctor */
- function nsInterfaceInfoToIDL() {}
- /* decorate prototype to provide ``class'' methods and property accessors */
- nsInterfaceInfoToIDL.prototype =
- {
- // nsIInterfaceInfoToIDL methods...
- // string generateIDL(in nsIIDRef aIID,
- // in PRBool withIncludes,
- // in PRBool withForwardDeclarations);
- generateIDL : function(aIID, withIncludes, withForwardDeclarations) {
- var out = new Buffer;
- out.writeln();
- if(withIncludes)
- {
- out.writeln('#include "nsISupports.idl"');
- out.writeln();
- }
- if(withForwardDeclarations)
- {
- doForwardDeclarations(out, aIID);
- out.writeln("");
- }
- doInterface(out, aIID);
- return out.buffer;
- },
- // void getReferencedInterfaceNames(in nsIIDRef aIID,
- // out PRUint32 aArrayLength,
- // [retval, array, size_is(aArrayLength)]
- // out string aNames);
- getReferencedInterfaceNames : function(aIID, aArrayLength) {
- var list = buildForwardDeclarationsList(aIID);
- aArrayLength.value = list.length;
- return list;
- },
- // nsISupports methods...
- QueryInterface: function (iid) {
- if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceInfoToIDL) &&
- !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) {
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
- return this;
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /***************************************************************************/
- // parts specific to my use of the the generic module code...
- const MODULE_NAME = "nsInterfaceInfoToIDL";
- const MODULE_CONTRACT_ID = "@mozilla.org/interfaceinfotoidl;1";
- const MODULE_CID = "{47d98974-a1b7-46a6-bc99-8abc374bba3f}";
- const MODULE_CTOR = nsInterfaceInfoToIDL;
- /***************************************************************************/
- /***************************************************************************/
- // generic nsIModule part...
- function NSGetModule(compMgr, fileSpec) {
- return new GenericModule(MODULE_NAME, MODULE_CONTRACT_ID,
- }
- function GenericModule (name, contractID, CID, ctor) {
- this.name = name;
- this.contractID = contractID;
- this.CID = Components.ID(CID);
- this.ctor = ctor;
- }
- GenericModule.prototype = {
- /*
- * RegisterSelf is called at registration time (component installation
- * or the only-until-release startup autoregistration) and is responsible
- * for notifying the component manager of all components implemented in
- * this module. The fileSpec, location and type parameters are mostly
- * opaque, and should be passed on to the registerComponent call
- * unmolested.
- */
- registerSelf: function (compMgr, fileSpec, location, type) {
- compMgr = compMgr.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIComponentRegistrar);
- compMgr.registerFactoryLocation(this.CID, this.name, this.contractID,
- fileSpec, location, type);
- },
- /*
- * The GetClassObject method is responsible for producing Factory and
- * SingletonFactory objects (the latter are specialized for services).
- */
- getClassObject: function (compMgr, cid, iid) {
- if (!cid.equals(this.CID))
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIFactory))
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
- this.myFactory.ctor = this.ctor;
- return this.myFactory;
- },
- /* factory object */
- myFactory: {
- /*
- * Construct an instance of the interface specified by iid, possibly
- * aggregating it with the provided outer. (If you don't know what
- * aggregation is all about, you don't need to. It reduces even the
- * mightiest of XPCOM warriors to snivelling cowards.)
- */
- createInstance: function (outer, iid) {
- if (outer != null)
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
- return (new this.ctor()).QueryInterface(iid);
- }
- },
- /*
- * The canUnload method signals that the component is about to be unloaded.
- * C++ components can return false to indicate that they don't wish to be
- * unloaded, but the return value from JS components' canUnload is ignored:
- * mark-and-sweep will keep everything around until it's no longer in use,
- * making unconditional ``unload'' safe.
- *
- * You still need to provide a (likely useless) canUnload method, though:
- * it's part of the nsIModule interface contract, and the JS loader _will_
- * call it.
- */
- canUnload: function(compMgr) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************/